Is Anyone at the Door?

Ministry Updates

A voice piped up, “can I check the door for Elijah?” The youngest member of our Friday night youth outreach, a 14 year old girl, was inspired to action when she heard of this particular Passover tradition! We were halfway through a simplified Passover meal with nine young people on Easter Friday.

About half of them were from non-Christian homes and had never heard the story of the Exodus before, so this was a big learning experience. It wasn’t even a tradition we planned to observe, yet the youth took the experience and made it their own. They were introduced to the story of the Exodus, and Christ’s fulfilment as the prefect Passover lamb through movies that night. Following on at our next youth group, we continued building on these stories and were able to give a full gospel presentation with the help of some engaging videos on YouTube – for many of the youth it was the first time they’d ever heard this!

Please join us in praying that the seeds sown would be planted deep in the lives of the hearers, and will one day bear fruit.

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