The Faith of a Child

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“Mummy and Daddy, can I have a house like my friends?” Tivvy’s little voice piped up in the back of the van as we drove along a gravel road in the dark. We had just been visiting some friends who live out past Waitakere, Auckland, and the girls had enjoyed playing dress-ups with the children there. “Do you like all the toys or do you like all the rooms?” asked Louise. “I like the rooms” said Tivvy. We informed her that she would need to pray and ask God if she wanted a house like that! Immediately and with great excitement she exclaimed, “Oh, can we do that now? Can we pray for a new house?” And so we did.

We had been thinking and praying for several weeks about shifting from Cheltenham to Waikanae so we could work more closely with the church there. A few days earlier, we had just received news that the place we were going to shift to was no longer available. The next couple of months were a lesson in trusting God as we looked for another house and extra work only to have another possible solution fall through. At times we rested in faith that God would direct and provide. At other times we felt discouraged and disappointed. However, not long after the second opportunity came to nothing, a friend told us of someone she knew whose tenants were shifting out. To cut a long story short, we have now shifted into this house in Raumati South (close to Waikanae) and have many more stories to tell of God’s provision. We are also grateful for all those who gave to us so generously and helped us on shifting day. The most amazing thing about all this is that the house has a very similar feel to our friends’ house that we visited two months earlier. It has the same high sloping ceiling and lots of rooms – Tivvy’s prayer truly was answered!

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